It sure isn't!
You may have heard rumours about a SaleHoo scam, but you can rest assured knowing that SaleHoo has been operating since 2005, and employs over 29 staff all over the world. Together, we help our member-base of over 137,000 achieve their online business goals.
We have a BBB rating of "A" and we meet all the BBB program requirements. This means that we agree to:
We offer a money back guarantee. We absolutely guarantee that you will be completely satisfied, or your money back. We'll give you a full 60 days to try out SaleHoo with full access to our supplier directory, SaleHoo Research Lab (our exciting niche-finding software), plus all our educational resources and guides. If within those 60 days you decide that SaleHoo is not right for you, we'll refund 100% of your membership. That's how sure we are that you will love SaleHoo – we bet money on it! So much for a "SaleHoo scam"!
We offer a ton of free educational resources – you don't even have to pay to get some use out of SaleHoo! Because we are so passionate about helping people succeed in their online business, we offer a wide range of articles and how-to guides that you can access for free! Our team of PowerSellers and experienced online traders have spent hours and hours putting together our comprehensive guides to importing and shipping, finding and sourcing products, eBay selling, setting up a business and scam prevention. Since when do "scams" teach people how to avoid scams?!
Still believe the rumours about the "SaleHoo scam"? Well, you should know that we have staff who are ready and waiting to make sure you are satisfied with your SaleHoo membership We have 6 customer support staff who are 100% dedicated to making sure you have everything that you need to succeed with SaleHoo. Here are just some of the things that our support staff can help you with: