Toby Black
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Looking for Skull Candy Earphones and tips :(
I know this goes against what you say about buying wholesale, but I have a little lot of Skullcandy headphones (and a few other brands of headphones). I don't even know why I got it, I...
Liquidation.com sellers - how is their process?
I've used Liquidation.com a lot over the past year, so here are my thoughts.
Steer away from sellers that do not have their merchandise in a liquidation.com warehouse. Some of those...
Xbox360, PS3, PSP console - supplier wanted
Hi! I'm in the US and I can tell you that here it's very hard to find Xbox 360 and PS3s from legitimate suppliers at a price where you can make a profit.
I've worked with...
How do these people even profit?
One more thing I want to add....
Not all product life cycles are the same amount of time. Some products like the Nike Ipod arm-bands that I mentioned probably have a short PLC, but...
Looking for suppliers of Plus size clothing
Check out Via Trade (viatrade.com). They're located in the US (by Los Angeles actually). Very reputable company. Just check into shipping costs since you're pretty far away from that.