Jesse Rumleski

Jesse Rumleski


Latest from Jesse Rumleski

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just wondering if anyone has done business with eeast west imports ( Link hidden: Login to view ) anything good to say.... or bad
Please make sure to not make duplicate postings
ya i had made a dup too, my internet connection was screwy for a bit and timmed out while i was posting so it looked like it didn't go through, ( needed a new cable drop ) luckily I...
Stopping fake buyers on eBay?
ahahhhhhh you guys answered my question to a tee! that clears things up and gives me a little more sense of security, thanks alot!
Stopping fake buyers on eBay?
alright I;ve been seeing alot of talk about people being 8-balled by people from nigeria. Most say avoid selling to these people right?? So how? if you post an auction on ebay and...
Tax ID for dropshipping or EIN
oh man, why didnt I think of that? hahahah thanks man I ll email them.