paul irving
About paul
iOS and android game developer, who likes online selling too
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Aliexpress.com - is it a reliable dropshipping site?
i have used aliexpress several times, they are very similar to the like of dhgate and other chinese platforms.
as a rule stick to stores with high scores and pay via the escrow...
xplosive-games.co.uk - Are they worth my money?
personally would stay clear, there are many free dropship companies if you do a google search.
i received several emails from these inviting me to a selected place on there books.
Sovast.com - Are they serious and trustworthy?
Honestly dont care if you believe me or not...my point is I'm trying to tell him they are fakes. The merchandise I have has nothing to do with his post, I was stating a point.
it is...
Sovast.com - Are they serious and trustworthy?
not sure with this one, they are only free members on the b2b platforms and carry different names leading to the one website.
Sovast.com - Are they serious and trustworthy?
HI,If you are going to buy their sunglasses on chi flat iron, I advise you not to. Ebay is very picky with these items and they all are fake from china, Heres how I know. I sell these...