Phuc Jack Lai
Latest from Phuc Jack Lai
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Merchant Account - Your recommendations needed
Hi there,
Could someone recommend a good merchant account for credit card transaction? Preferably if you have used the vendor before.
need dropshipping suppliers for everything
The difference is in conversion. Having contents on the same page and having products there: much higher conversion CTR, which is why dropshipping is better
If going with affiliate...
need dropshipping suppliers for everything
Just wondering if anyone has offer something like this or know someone who does.
1. I need dropshipping suppliers that offer to provide the online shopping cart ready (and i can...
SEO service advice needed
Thanks for the feedback. However
I have couple issues.
1. I don't have time to do SEO myself.
2. I don't have time to optimize 300 keywords and managing PPC and be able to get...
SEO service advice needed
I'm looking for an SEO to help me with marketing the website. There are however so many companies out there. Can anyone suggest a good SEO firm that they have worked with in the...