Jennifer Puzanskas
Latest from Jennifer Puzanskas
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Does anyone know how to increase website traffic?
blog,squidoo,myspace, and join other chat forums and have a link in your sig and profile
What is drop shipping and how does it work?
A drop shipper is the person who 'holds' all the products you are selling and after you sell it, you buy it from the 'dropshipper' who then mails it to the customer for you.
You are...
Wow I missed you guys!
yes im here, i have been so busy lately that i havent been posting online at all. I hope everyone is doing well and had a good 2006.
In the next month i am planning on getting all of...
Hello from the newest Staff member at Salehoo.
Hi Love your icon. Hmm My Daughters think Im a PooPoo Head :
im still cracking up from this reply