eBay and PayPal Breakup: What eBay's Move to Adyen Means for Sellers in 2024 and Beyond

Wednesday August 2121st Aug 2024
7 min. read
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The partnership between eBay and PayPal has been one of the most significant alliances in the eCommerce world for over 15 years. However, this chapter of eBay's history officially began to close when the company announced its transition away from PayPal to the Dutch payments processor, Adyen, starting in 2020. Now, as we move deeper into 2024, the full impact of this change is becoming clearer for sellers on the platform.

In this expanded analysis, we'll explore why eBay made this decision, how it has affected sellers, and what the future holds for those who rely on eBay as a major source of income. We'll also look into the reactions within the eBay community and discuss potential alternatives to PayPal for those who still prefer or need other payment methods.

Why Did eBay Part Ways with PayPal?

For many years, PayPal was synonymous with eBay. The companies were so closely linked that it was hard to imagine one without the other. When eBay acquired PayPal in 2002 for $1.5 billion, it solidified PayPal as the platform's default payment method. This partnership thrived until 2015, when eBay spun off PayPal into a separate public company, albeit maintaining a close business relationship.

However, as eCommerce evolved, so did the needs of both buyers and sellers. By 2018, eBay announced that it would gradually phase out PayPal as its primary payment processor and replace it with Adyen, an Amsterdam-based company known for handling transactions for global giants like Uber, Netflix, and Spotify.

The decision to move away from PayPal was driven by several factors:

  • Enhanced Control and User Experience: eBay's move to Adyen was primarily motivated by the desire to gain more control over its payment processes. By managing payments directly, eBay could streamline the buying and selling experience, ensuring that transactions were faster, smoother, and more secure. Adyen's platform offered the flexibility to process a broader range of payment methods and currencies, meeting the needs of a global user base.
  • Increased Competition: The e-commerce landscape has become increasingly competitive, with users expecting a seamless shopping experience. To stay ahead, eBay needed to eliminate any friction in the checkout process. By integrating payments directly into its platform, eBay aimed to reduce the steps required to complete a purchase, thereby improving conversion rates.
  • Simplified Pricing and Predictable Cash Flow: Another reason for the switch was to offer sellers a more straightforward pricing structure and more predictable access to funds. Under PayPal, sellers often had to wait for payments to clear, which could create cash flow issues. Adyen promised quicker and more transparent payment processing, which was an attractive proposition for many sellers.

What the Shift to Adyen Means for Sellers

The transition from PayPal to Adyen has had a profound impact on eBay sellers. While the switch promised several benefits, it also brought about challenges and uncertainties.

Costs for Sellers: The New Fee Structure

Under the new "managed payments" system, sellers now pay 12.9% of the sale price plus a $0.30 transaction fee. This is comparable to the previous system, where sellers paid a 10% eBay fee, a 2.9% PayPal fee, and a $0.30 transaction fee. Although the overall cost might appear similar, the way fees are distributed across different categories has changed, with some product categories seeing higher fees under the new structure.

For many sellers, the simplification of having one fee instead of separate fees for eBay and PayPal is a welcome change. However, others are concerned that the fee structure could be less favorable depending on the items they sell. It’s crucial for sellers to review eBay’s fee schedule regularly, as changes can significantly impact profitability.

Integrated Business Dashboard

One of the most significant benefits for sellers under the new system is the introduction of an integrated business dashboard. This feature allows sellers to manage all aspects of their eBay business from a single location, including payments, listings, and customer interactions.

The centralized dashboard has made it easier for sellers to track their earnings, manage their cash flow, and get a clearer picture of their overall business performance on eBay. This consolidation of tools and information can save sellers time and help them make more informed decisions about their business strategies.

eBay has also rolled out additional tools to enhance seller capabilities. New listing tools, the ability to add product videos, and other features have been introduced to improve the listing process and increase the chances of conversion.

Global Reach and Increased Sales

eBay has emphasized that the move to Adyen will enable sellers to reach more buyers and potentially increase sales. With Adyen supporting over 150 currencies and more than 200 payment methods, sellers can now cater to a broader audience.

This is particularly beneficial for sellers who operate internationally, as it reduces the friction that can occur when buyers are unable to use their preferred payment method. By offering a more extensive range of payment options, eBay aims to reduce cart abandonment and improve overall conversion rates.

However, whether these changes have led to a significant increase in sales for sellers is still a matter of debate. While some sellers have reported positive outcomes, others have yet to see a noticeable impact on their sales figures.

The Role of PayPal Post-2023

Despite the shift to Adyen, PayPal hasn’t been completely phased out. PayPal remained an option for buyers and sellers until July 2023, ensuring a smooth transition and allowing sellers ample time to adjust to the new system.

Even though PayPal no longer holds the prominent position it once did, it is still available as a payment option. eBay has acknowledged PayPal as "an important partner," and while it is now a secondary option, it hasn’t disappeared entirely.

This continued support for PayPal is crucial for sellers who have built their businesses around it. Many sellers still prefer PayPal due to its familiarity, reliability, and extensive user base. For these sellers, the ability to continue using PayPal, albeit in a more limited capacity, provides a sense of continuity amidst the changes.

Sharing Data and Seller Concerns

One of the more contentious aspects of the transition to Adyen has been the requirement for sellers to share additional payments-related data with eBay. Some sellers have expressed concerns about how this data might be used, particularly with it being shared with a foreign company.

eBay’s new terms, effective June 1, 2021, require sellers to adopt the new payment system. The company has stated that it has the authority to limit or remove listings from sellers who do not comply with these terms. This has caused some unease within the seller community, particularly among those who are wary of eBay’s increased control over their businesses.

Despite these concerns, the transition to Adyen is largely seen as a necessary step for eBay to remain competitive in the global e-commerce market. While the change has introduced new challenges, it has also opened up opportunities for sellers to grow their businesses and reach a broader audience.

Reaction to the eBay-PayPal Breakup

The eBay community's reaction to the PayPal-Adyen shift has been mixed. Some sellers are optimistic about the changes, recognizing the potential for increased sales and a more streamlined payment process. Others, however, are more skeptical, concerned about the implications of eBay having more control over their money and the lack of detailed information provided by the company.

The uncertainty surrounding the transition has led to a variety of responses. While some sellers are taking a "wait and see" approach, others are actively exploring alternative platforms or payment methods in case the new system doesn’t meet their needs.

The lack of detailed communication from eBay in the early stages of the transition left many sellers feeling uncertain and anxious. However, as more information has become available and the new system has been fully implemented, some of these concerns have been alleviated.

Alternatives to PayPal on eBay

For sellers who prefer to explore alternatives to PayPal, eBay offers a limited selection of payment methods. These include:

  • Credit and Debit Card Transfers: This method is widely accepted and provides a straightforward alternative to PayPal.
  • Payment Upon Pickup: Suitable for local transactions, this option allows buyers to pay in person when they collect their items.

However, eBay continues to restrict access to certain other payment methods, including:

  • Bank-to-Bank Transfers (Wire Transfers and Bank Cash Transfers)
  • Checks and Money Orders
  • Online Payment Services like Allpay.net, CertaPay, and Hyperwallet.com

These restrictions have left sellers with few viable alternatives to PayPal, especially for international transactions. However, the introduction of Adyen, with its support for over 200 payment methods, may provide sellers with the flexibility they need to cater to a broader range of buyers.

Looking Ahead: What Sellers Should Expect in 2024 and Beyond

As eBay continues to refine its managed payments system, sellers should keep an eye on potential changes and updates that could affect their businesses. Here are some key areas to watch:

1. Fee Adjustments

eBay’s fee structure is subject to change, and sellers should be prepared for potential adjustments. Staying informed about these changes will help sellers make strategic decisions about their pricing and product offerings.

2. Enhanced Seller Tools

eBay is likely to continue rolling out new tools and features designed to improve the seller experience. Sellers should take advantage of these tools to optimize their listings, manage their businesses more efficiently, and increase their sales.

3. Buyer Behavior and Payment Preferences

As eBay’s managed payments system evolves, sellers should monitor buyer behavior and payment preferences. Understanding these trends will help sellers adapt to changing market conditions and better serve their customers.

4. Potential Integration of New Payment Methods

With Adyen's support for a wide range of payment methods, eBay may introduce additional options that could benefit sellers. Keeping an eye on these developments could provide sellers with new opportunities to attract buyers and increase conversions.

The breakup between eBay and PayPal marks the end of an era, but it also signals the beginning of a new chapter for the e-commerce giant. By transitioning to Adyen, eBay has positioned itself to offer a more seamless, flexible, and globally-oriented payment system that benefits both buyers and sellers.

While the change has brought about some challenges, it also presents new opportunities for sellers to expand their reach, improve their cash flow, and streamline their business operations. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, sellers who adapt to these changes will be better positioned to thrive in the years to come.

For sellers on eBay, the key to success in this new environment will be staying informed, embracing new tools and technologies, and remaining flexible in the face of change. By doing so, they can continue to grow their businesses and make the most of the opportunities presented by eBay's new managed payments system.


About the author
Simon Slade
CEO of SaleHoo Group Limited

Simon Slade is CEO and co-founder of SaleHoo, a platform for eCommerce entrepreneurs that offers 8,000+ dropship and wholesale suppliers, 1.6 million high-quality, branded products at low prices, an industry-leading market research tool and 24-hour support.

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  • Hugh 26th of August
    I will be happy to use another payment system if it has better security. I have been scammed twice so far on eBay where my delivery address was changes without my knowledge. First time was eBay poor security, 2nd time Paypal.
    Neither of these companies emailed me to alert me to the change of address (unlike every other org I use on the web): sloppy & unprofessional.
  • Valerie Gifford 1st of November
    I changed my bank and subsequently am not able to log in to PayPal and they have £187 of mine in their account! I don't know how to get it back to my own bank account.
    Very disturbed by this. When I telephoned PayPal, they were terribly rude and informed me I had £42! So angry! I threatened them with court proceedings but I don't know how to do that!
    Having been scammed out of £80000, I really need the money from EBay sales to live!
    • bhupinder virdi 1st of September
      I got £1000+ in paypal credit but £5000 in sales and closed down my account. Now my credit said I would get it in 180 days !!!
    • John 10th of October
      What? Your story makes no sense. I don't see how changing your bank means you can't log in to Paypal. Just log in and add the new account. Then you're talking about 187 pounds, and then you've been (allegedly) scammed out of 80,000 pounds. If i'd been scammed out of 80,000 pounds I'd very quickly be engaging legal help.
  • mohammed mir 12th of January
    i was not that confident that paypal would work to bring about a sales transaction for my item, i even decided to create my own site with a Stripe payment gateway to test if money flows in.
  • 23rd of January
    once again, ebay with their infinite wisdom, is ruining their own business. paypal is and has been the most effective, trustworthy, satisfaction guaranteed company that i have had the HONOR of working with!.....anytime there was a problem, paypal took care of it and with ease and speed....over the years that i've been selling on ebay....paypal has been the ONLY reason i stayed. ebay has " fixed " things that werent broken and has taken the appeal, excitement, and fun out of it's own company.....they say your payments will be available in 2 to 4 days! paypal was instant. congrats ebay. i cant wait to have problems with payments and have to go to my bank about it. ebay is losing customers at a huge rate because they dont appreciate the sellers....
    • Vinnie Starr 3rd of April
      PayPal is a terrible company, rip off fees, money goes missing and then they tell you the opposite even though you are sat looking at the screen telling you to the contrary. I hope this drives them under and we are finally rid of them. Now if only there was a real alternative to eBay.
      • Rhea Bontol SaleHoo Admin 7th of April
        Hi Vinnie! You can checkout alternative selling sites in this article.
    • Don Sutton 21st of August
      I to am frustrated with eBay , they are now charging 12.5 percent of the sale price plus 12.5 percent on shipping charges . Your money is not instant like with PayPal . Even if you opt for daily bank transfers it takes up to three days to arrive in chosen bank account . I have been selling on eBay for over 15 yrs. and I am seriously thinking of telling eBay to go to HELL !!! I am not happy .
  • peter griffin 7th of February
    i didnt receive an item from a seller..over £600..they took my money out of the account,,,refunded the money back to my paypal account several times.then kept cancelling the payment.and refunding again,.so i asked paypal to step in and guess what..they went with the seller..so me,no money and no item ,,bye bye paypal...adios.and good riddance.....so its off to the bank now for a chargeback,,,,a rude service,i had the phone put down on me several times asking for help.
  • Steve 15th of June
    Screw PayPal. They locked my account a decade ago, so I can't use it for my eBay store. PayPal has been reliably unreliable for many others, as well. Can't trust 'em and you live and die by their rules alone. I for one am super excited about being able to use another company and start fresh since PP won't let you, even 10 years after their initial decision.
  • David Ailles 5th of July
    I will not use Paypal after experiencing their Kangaroo Court experience where I send according to the buyer's directions and end up without the item and without the payment. The when canelling my account (which is hell) they send an email that canceling may eliminate my loyalty points.

    After 13 years and thousands of purchases and sales, with a 100% feedback, One transaction and they prove that Paypal trying to scare me into not Cancelling.

    I look forward to trying the new financial company with Ebay administering transactions.

    Good riddance Paypal!
  • gary hamm 7th of July
    yes im glad that i can move these paypal are a joke ive been scammed and paypal went in the scammers favour ive phoned them 45 times emailed them and got please go to our help page you bunch of clowns
  • Mike 16th of July
    I'm actually glad Ebay is doing away with rip you off Paypal. Especially since Paypal now doesn't return their fees if someone cancels a transaction. I had two different buyers place an order and in less than a min. request to cancel. Seemed weird that both would happen on the same day but whatever i don't obligate anyone to purchase from me so i immediately agreed to the cancellation. But i got stuck paying the paypal fees for these transactions as Paypal would not refund the fees even though they saw what happened.Now their fee is supposed to be for a service. No service was provided as the transactions were immediately cancelled. I think what they're doing is illegal and i hope there is a Law Suit against them for this.
  • Enrique 3rd of August
    Is this real? Doesn’t eBay own PayPal.
  • Trey Hutchison 3rd of September
    I’m opting out. I’ve been a seller Off and on for over 20yrs and it doesn’t feel right having to jump through hoops for Ebays decision to cut ties with PayPal. Good luck EBay
  • Steve Rogers 6th of September
    Well written article! Do you think Ebay will not permit you to sell if you don't sign up?
  • Alan 22nd of September
    Thank goodness. Paypal is absolutely awful. High fees and lousy service. Trying to add money or send refunds can be an absolute nightmare. I hope Paypal dissappears from the face of the earth as it is so awful.
  • Sheri 23rd of September
    As a seller I would like the say so of when my funds are transferred into my account. I do not want them automatically put into my bank account for it to be tracked. I have a disabled child that I have to keep a certain amount of funds in for her to draw the disability funds she deserves. If that account goes over then she gets penalized even tho she’s still disabled. I am not happy about this at all.
  • Sam 9th of October
    So happy they are breaking up! PayPal is run by a bunch of thieves. I have had money sent to me by accident which I returned straight away and PayPal still charged me £67 for the transaction!! I hope you will go down PayPal!
  • Wilk Bryson 21st of October
    EBAY with there new payment system is terrible. I was receiving payments just fine then it stopped it has been 10 days sold over 1500.00 dollars and the cannot figure how to get money in account. Never been so frustrated as now it is my living and EBAY is hurting me. They do seem to care. Worst Company i have ever dealt with. Can someone Help me with Ebay
  • David Chester 8th of August
    I've just been shafted by eBay
    I have been a "customer" for two decades and 16 years with one account on which I just sold two items. They paid me for the first but they have withheld paying me for the second item of £300 until I show them a current photo ID which I don't have. My passport expired years ago and my driving licence is paper.
    It will take me weeks to get a photo licence while they have effectively stolen my money in the meantime. I will have to send the item for which I immediately paid £17 insured delivery, as it's not the buyer's fault.
    I believe this is criminal. Why a photo ID when they will never meet me in person? They won't accept a birth certificate. This is what happens when you can't use PayPal. Be this a strong warning to anyone selling on eBay.