Jimmy, out of interest, nothing personal against you at all. Why do you condone the selling of counterfeit goods? It is against the law for one, eBay will ban you the second they find out. 90% of end customers are not happy to receive fake goods. It also damages business for people like myself who sell authentic goods.
For one thing you don't know Because you are located in Great Britain is a large base of our buyers run flea market booths here in the USA. If you have ever been to a flea market in the US you would know that the majority of sellers sell copycat and designer imitations. Also a huge amount of these sellers and ebay sellers sell the non-Branded Chineese electronics and make very good money selling them.
We do our very best to educate our members on how to avoid selling counterfeits if they are an online seller. But sites like lightinthebox and dhgate also cater to a very large consumer base of flea market sellers around the USA.
The owner of lightinthebox is also a member of salehoo and he also does his best to educate our members in the same area and will honestly tell you if items he has are manufacturered overruns (e.g Fakes) and has helped members save thousands on chineese suppliers that are known scammers.
If you have ever gone through his site completely you would notice that 90% of the products listed are non-branded goods. Made by chineese companies.
Im really not sure about the phones or laptops though I never saw them there the last time I visited.
But yes I will still promote him. He never screwed over any of our members and I never really heard of a member bashing him here on salehoo. So untill I see many complaints from members to change my opinion I will still promote his company.