The reason your not finding a wholesaler that has lower prices then ebay is because Ebay is a wholesalers marketplace. Most items sell for wholesale or below wholesale. The majority sell below wholesale.
The same people that sell items wholesale sell on ebay to clear out stock. They sell to you to make extra money at your expense. I see at least 100 people a month come in here and ask this. Ive had to reply to similar questions like this every week.
If you want to compete on ebay your looking for the wrong thing.
You want liquidators and bulk wholesalers. The only way your going to get product at a good profitable price is to buy items in bulk.
Many of the wholesalers listed in our directories offer nice bulk discounts and wholesale prices. But also many of them expect you to have a business liscense and resellers permit to aquire such discounts. there are a few that dont require this but they a few and far apart. And they dont offer them direct on thier websites either. You have to contact them by email or phone to get these offers.
Yes im sorry, What I just mentioned sounded like work. I guess a few will be giving up now. Because that is just want some of you didnt want to hear.
The reason I know this is because I am one of the reviewers contacting these companies and doing reviews on thier site, products,and service. The companies that have sent me pricelists have send me lists with much better prices then the ones listed on thier websites. But this in turn means you have to buy some products in mins of $1,000 .
Everyone expects that they can just buy the membership to this site and then get instant access to the wholesalers and killer deals.
whip out thier credit card, buy the item, list it on ebay and make tons of profit. It doesnt work that way. Most big sellers on ebay only make a few dollars for each item they sell. But they sell thousands of items a month.
Many of you come here expecting to find big items like xbox360's and playstations at 50-100 less then they are selling on ebay. That kind of deal just doesnt exist. Since the manufacturing costs of these items are around 20 less then the average selling price on ebay. You might find a liquidator trying to clear out some overstock on these items but they will dissapear usually within a couple of hours when 1 wealthy seller sees the deal and buys out everything.
We just provide a huge database of over 10,000 wholesalers. Its your job to contact them and make the deals for yourself.
You think you can find better deals just by getting on goole and in 1 min you find a site with way better prices on anything you can think of?
Well I bet in 5 min I can take your list of sites and tear them apart very quickly to find out if those sites are scam sites which there is a unbelievable amount of. And if they have horrible customer service.
I get approximately 50 website requests a week and have found that 98% of them are untrustworthy. And others boast great prices but boost shipping to rates that one would consider stupid.
You know that old saying 'If it sound to good to be true, Then it usually is.'
I have been in 1 business or the other for 12 years and have seen many scams and bought many lists only to find myself once again broke and wasting my time.
If you want to succeed on a place like ebay you need to spend countless hours on research and constantly working to find your niche.
I found mine and it took me 12 years. How long will you waste wandering around the net trying to find a wholesaler that can beat ebays below wholesale prices?
You need to find bulk supplies and liquidators. They were designed to sell to wholesalers.
Wholesalers are designed for retailers only. If your selling on ebay your a wholesaler not a retailer.
Hope this helps. If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with dont hesitate to ask.