yes im here, i have been so busy lately that i havent been posting online at all. I hope everyone is doing well and had a good 2006.
In the next month i am planning on getting all of my things in order and getting back into selling.
Im still running the printing company, and its keeping me very very busy. Thank you to all the members that used my printing compnay for there business cards and postcards. It was a pleasure helping you out.
I didnt think many of you would rememebr me but i had alot of emails asking where i thanks for the love.
I hope to be online more often, i have to refresh my brain with everything.
So to all the oldies but goodies HELLO!!!! and to all the new mombers Welcome to the boards!!
See ya around!
(if i have typos sorry but my daughter is napping on my lap and i dont have time to check lol))