Hi I just read your post and I also happen to be in the search for a reputable importer/wholesaler of designer jeans. I have spent no less than 16 hours in the last 3 days sitting and thoroughly checking out these companies.
I am an Ebay Powerseller with a total of over 1600 100% positive feedback and By NO WAY want to ruin my reputation for a pair of jeans!
I found a website called Link hidden: Login to view where I was able to gain very valuable info on nearly all the major popular designer jeans. There are pictures to aid you in spotting all the fakes.
I immediately 'weeded' out most of the websites that I was looking at even though they sounded great. Also , if the website doesn't say WE Only sell authentic goods right on the 'about us' or 'info about the company' page, move on to the next beacuse you are wasting your time!
I even emailed a few and asked them if they would be able to send me the paperwork to show that they were authentic. I got a few replies telling me that they sold 'real ' items however they don't have the peperwork!!! THIS IS ANOTHER BIG RED FLAG.
Just think realistically. ...If they don't have any paperwork at all, then these ARE MOST LIKELY FAKES whether they admit it or not. They usually want to sell you a lot of 50 at least of their jeans beacuse they know you won't be back! I compared pictures I found of fakes and sure enough these jumped off the page at me as the ones I had been looking at possibly purchasing. I want a written guarantee from whoever I deal with that ther are real. I ahven't worked at my Ebay store for 1 1/2 years to have it all 'go to pot' or have to refund customers and be out money. I want to be able to guarantee the authenticity with a customer's money back guaratee so they know they are legit.
Anyway, I am on my 20th (or more) hour still scouring all the whoesale sites and tryijng to weed-out all the knock-offs which are MANY/ and MOST for certain brands of designer jeans. I have learned that some brands are nearly impossible to find wholesale and are a RED FLAG already if you do find them -be careful!
I agree with the other reply you got. Sell them as (excellent replicas) in the description area, although Ebay can & will likely pull them if the VERO (Verified rights owners program) finds your listings. Just list a few at a time and make sure that you make it clear they are NOT AUTHENTIC.
I would just try to cover my EBay lsiting costs and the money I paid for the jeans and get rid of them at a great sale price just to be rid of them. I realize you are also an honest seller trying to do the right thing.
Good luck. I am still hun ting for the correct legitimate wholesaler! (for designer jeans) ITS VERY HARD!!!. My website is
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Sincerely, Melissa