I found Beijing2006 as a seller on Dhgate sometime ago and now I cant seem to find him. Could someone send me a link to one his products. Preferably the one for Original Ipod Nanos that Direct Consumer has purchased.
DHGate doesn't allow you to contact the seller direct. Any information you entered into the feedback panel that looks like an email format will be automatically removed upon submission. So I posted an email like this: (A)msterdam(B)razil(C)hina_AT_(Y)ellow(A)msterdam(H)olland(O)range(O)range_DOT_(COM)pany. Actually, I'm not seeking to bypass DHGate, I just wanna find out the warranty coverage and return policies of some products.
True enough, the seller contacted me soon. Just to let you guy knows that shipping charges from DHGate can be quite hefty as they marked up as high as 15%.