Hi everyone!! I was wondering if anyone has used lovelybag21.com I have emailed them and they say they are selling authentic and copy designer bags. Is there any way to verify their authentic bags? They are only accepting payment through bank deposit and western union. Any advice or experiences would be greatly appretiated.
lovelybag21.com - seller claims bags authentic?
if you go to mypoupette.com they have a very long list of who is selling replicas and who is legit. I can tell you right now for Louis Vuitton, the only one on the net is eluxury as LV is the owner of that site.
if you go to mypoupette.com they have a very long list of who is selling replicas and who is legit. I can tell you right now for Louis Vuitton, the only one on the net is eluxury as LV is the owner of that site.
Great info - thanks Rachelle.
I was once in the market for designer handbags. I contacted one company and they assured me that the products were original. The company sent me a test sample to review there products for a predetermined price after delivery. Well the bags got here and our company tested the bags. Basically compared them to the originals ones we already owned. The bags were very fake and we contacted the seller. The seller than said that they were copies and that they would fix the flaws. They than switched the story and said that they were authenitc reproductions. lol . Authentically made in there factory.The company wouldn't allow us to return the products. We decided to pay them a small material fee and paid for shipping. We destroyed the products and submitted the information to the designer companies.Some companies do buy designer bags in bulk and most of the time have a lot of legal documentation. I know we do and so does our direct suppliers.
Thanks guys!!!! Trying to find reputable sellers is becoming increasingly frustrating! Have spent months trying to find something to sell on ebay for a profit, am beggining to loose faith and looking at other ways to sell products. So nice to know we are not alone out here behind our computers!!