jhscody80 - I understand what you're doing and why you're doing it... but what you're forgetting is that we're not the people you should be marketing to.
For one thing, we're already members here, so you wouldn't get the referral fee. Also, there are only a dozen or so active members... which means your resources dry up pretty fast.
Also, unless you want honest criticism (good and bad) about a specific ad, you don't need to repeated post the same links. We'll see what you are offering when we go to do the critique... if we like it, we'll bite. If not, we won't. It may take a while for us to bite... I know that even if I did want to purchase one of your offerings, it would have to wait, as all my money is tied up in inventory... but the more I see you pushing your ads, the less I consider buying through you.
I also won't look at any ads that make me auto-watch a listing. If you don't offer the regular link for it, I won't even consider looking at it. I have enough things in my ebay going on right now that I don't need unnecessary listings taking up even more space.
I know we may sound harsh, and it's not meant to offend, it's just we keep seeing the same things over and over and over, and they aren't contributing to the betterment of the forums. There are somethings that bear repeating (like trying to avoid using western union and t/t with wholesalers and things like that)... Information like that benefits everyone who reads it... Seeing an auction listing for the 30th time doesn't benefit anyone but you.