As a supplier it is very import to us that we have great relationships with our vendors. Yes making money is important but the metrics we don't measure and should are these;
Responsiveness - Are we truly listen to our customers needs to solve their problem in a timely manner? Respect people's time is very important, they worry less and trust more.
Respect - Are we cognizant of other people's deadlines and quality requirements?
Trust - Are you honestly working to building a trust relationship. You buy we ship, we put things on sales are we communicating that. How can we support vendors. Are our vendors supporting us. Not just by buying our product but letting others know we are good at what we do and they will benefit from the same high quality service and products.
We operate from the perspective of abundance. There are lots of good customers for vendors. There are lots of good supplier for vendors. Repeat business is the only way to survive and by treating everyone as precious and with respect we can all build good and profitable relationships.
Dean Cadre
Terra Supra Skin Care Inc.
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