I communicated with a supplier that has some of the products I would like to sell on the ecommerce site I’m creating. My site is under construction. I obviously need to fill it with products before I can go live. This supplier wants me to notify them AFTER my site is functional and live before they give me their photos, pricing etc. Mind you I already gave them my resale certificate number and my website url which clearly shows the website is legitimate.
I asked again for the information I need to continue creating my website. If they refuse, I will not be contacting them again after it is up and running.
I also saw some suppliers that if you don’t place an order with them, via dropshipping, within 90 days they will close your account.
It takes time to create an online presence. I would like nothing more than to place an order everyday. Closing the account guarantees no sale. Why put that pressure on the retailers? How does it hurt their business by waiting?