Ordered $800.00 first with Chinavasion. In this order were 4 HD IP PTZ security cameras. Approx. purchase value of cameras € 400.00 + Transport + Clearance @ 23% Vat.
Took first camera to an IT expert and unfortunately his report back was to state "This camera is useless" - not fit for purpose!
The software was not signed off by anyone, the instruction leaflet was definitely useless, the thing would not focus other than close up, huge security with the software being loaded in the camera itself, it goes on and on and on. IT guy thinks the lense might have been fitted back to front!
Situation: Left with 4 cameras which I would not even offer for sale to my worst enemy. Beware!
Just would not like others to be caught out like this.
Chinavasion have logged the issue and I will post again on this as it progresses.
Also trying PayPal for insurance cover.
We cant afford to loose such an amount in a first transaction, indeed any transaction, however, I would hate to consider what might have happened if we had proceeded to sale without first checking these cameras out.
I found this supplier through this directory.