Hi there,
Please find the answers to your inquiries below:
Unfortunately, if the product or brand you are searching for can't be found, it's likely that there's no data available for it at this time. This could be because the product or brand is not as popular as some of the 4,000+ products that do have available data.
SaleHoo's new Market Research Lab is designed to provide information on the most popular products that are currently selling very well online. The old Lab's results were often inaccurate and irrelevant due to users entering far too generic keywords. The new Lab offers specific items with live listings that you can view on Amazon & eBay. It's a much more effective way to find relevant data on specific popular products.
Consider looking around to see what is there, rather than what isn't, as these are the main products that people are buying and selling right now.
Aside from the directory and the Market Research Lab, our eCommerce Blog and Seller Training Center are great tools for you to figure out how to get your online business started. It has guides and tips to effectively sell online.
Hope this clarifies.