I want to share my experience here that the people know this scammer as seller by Alibaba. The company name of this scammer is "Shenzhen Global Technology". I purchased some mini cameras from this seller, whose products is listed on Alibaba's wholesale directory. The fraudulent seller "Shenzhen Global Technology" sent me very crappy item. After I opened dispute, he wanted me to return the crappy products for full refund, I agreed that, so I returned the goods to the seller. After a while I received an email from Alibaba that I need to negotiate with the seller, because they claimed that the returned package were empty, and the seller refused to receive the returned package. So I tried to contact the seller to ask some clarification what happened, but no respond. So Alibaba released all my payment to this fraudulent seller. I don't think that Alibaba requested some strong evidence from the seller. Perhaps the seller provided some falsified pictures to Alibaba. I didn't get any evidence about the claim neither from Alibaba nor from the seller. The seller is a gold member with supplier assessment, onsite check, and so on. Don't trust all this medals. They can be bought very easily. I lost my money on this purchase and the money which i paid for return. Take care, if you purchase by Alibaba's sellers. Don't trust sellers who say you get refund after they have received items back. They can claim that you have not returned, and Alibaba will give them right.