Ok.First of all i didnt say that the UK version is released.
What part of you {will have a problem if you sale the UK version you dont understand}?
I dont think it means yes you can sale UK version
Second yes said is illegal to sell ps3 to europe but only for companies that dont have a permission.
Not for companies that have.
These companies are the ones that sell in Japan or USA.
The agreement that sony and the companies have says that as long your order from sony doesnt go straight to the european supplier its ok.They call it cooling season.That means you as a company have to keep it in your warehouse for a certain time.After that time you can distridute it.Maybe sony is big but these companies are as well.They are sonys big money sources.Without them Sony will go bankcrupt.So both parties keep eachother happy.
To answer to your question if i am a distributor.Yes i am.But in a different field.
When you become a distributor you meet distributors from other countries and markets.Its common..So you exchange opinions and ideas with them.
I hope i answered to your questions.