What product genre are you in and what market do you sell in Bree?
You don't seem to think that it's related to you in particular, but send through a link to one of your items if you like and we can certainly take a look at that and maybe make some suggestions for you to consider.
In regards to Power Seller, you're not alone. I used to be a legit Power Seller years ago when I was heavily into online sales, but cut right back after a few years and lost the status of course. I maintained a few small accounts, just to keep my hand in as a bit of a hobby and then out of no where made Power Seller on one of those accounts without hitting the criteria required.
Sales were steady on the account, but it wasn't performing well enough to make Power Seller, yet it did .... for one month anyway lol. No idea what happens to be honest, maybe it's just a glitch in their system. Mind you, it won't hurt your sales lol, it's an added little bit of free marketing for you!