Hello stuckeytabitha,
Although you mentioned that you have been selling on and off ebay for years. Do you feel you are actually ready to start a store there or on your own? You can actually gauge yourself and your sales too! It might not be wise to gauge your decision on the amount of stocks you have at the moment, just my 2 cents ;)
This is the official recommendation to consider before taking the plunge and Link hidden: Login to view -
eBay's official recommendation on this is that sellers should not even think about opening a store until they have at least 25 or more listings on eBay at all times, but I would venture to go a bit further. Based on my 8 1/2 years of experience working at eBay and being an eBay Powerseller, I recommend that new sellers wait until they have been selling for at least 3-6 months on eBay as well, and until they are already generating at least $500 a month in sales.
Remember that although there are significant advantages when opening an ebay store you have to keep in mind that for every sale there is a corresponding fee whereas if you sell through your own store, every sale is yours to keep!
Hope this helps point you towards the right direction :) All the best!