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I would suggest a brighter color. If you have noticed most of the big websites stick with a white background.
Also you need better pictures of your product if you intend to sell alot of products. The fact I cannot get a good picture of what Im considering in purchasing turns me off to actually buying in. If you actually have the stock in hand. It would be nice to see some closeups in higher resolution. If your dropshipper does not have good pics then find the actuall items on google with an image search. And use the best one you can find.
And third you need to work on a more professional text layout. Your logo is hard to view and Just doesnt look professional in the eyes of a consumer. The paragraph on the top needs to go.. Put that kind of suff in a About Us page. And make sure it looks more professional without using words like scumbag.
You need to be direct on your main page. Put products on the main page not a description of your business. Make sure you have featured items on the top. Use words like On Sale Or clearance. Or top selling items.
Also I assume you have the domain in your possession...
You really should consider using your domain name in your email address. Setting up a contact email with your domain at the end is simple and more professional.
Using a hotmail address in your contact info will kill a potential sale like a massive heart attack. Also apply for a BBB seal to gain instant trust from buyers.
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Add more contact info like your home address if your doing this by dropshipping
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns
Ask for: John Ericson
Sales Manager
Mercenary Technologies
1234 North 21st Street
Johnsonville, NC 12345
Phone 243-123-4567
Fax 243-234-5678
General questions? Please refer to our FAQ .
Hope this helps.