I recently received this from a Chinese supplier after posting on a Chinese web site my frustration with Chinese suppliers.
I would like to share my research about how to distinguish the reliable supplier from a world of vendors.
China as the world factory for exporting since it's the reform and opening-up policy. Nearly all of us have benefited from its cheap and not so bad products. And we have been getting used to their products so badly. However, things
changed in a way that makes it so hard to do business with Chinese suppliers. Some of the vendors become short-sighted. They don't care about building long term relationships. What they only want is how much money they can make from this or that bargain. So today I'm gonna show you some tips that you may need when you
decide to purchase from Chinese vendors.
Suspicion One: No Fax Number or the FAX and TEL are the same
It's pretty weird for a company that could not equip the basic communication tools.' As for a modern company, they should have!
Suspicion Two : No Company Mail
It's really to believe that a company trades only use Hotmail and TEL. No Company mail or Fax. Why? To save money? That's not the right way to do business.
Suspicion Three: No Tel, No Fax, No Mobile, No Add, No Company Mail
As for trading companies, some of them do not leave their company mail or just simply for example Link hidden: Login to view or Link hidden: Login to view . So when you see this kind of Contact US. Be careful who you’re dealing with!
Suspicion Four: Different Companies, Same Tel. Various Companies share the same TEL (Weird? Or I should say Cheater!)
Suspicion Five Hong Kong Company Address, But who claims themselves manufacturer.
Be aware that some of the companies they only have Hongkong Company address but claims they are manufacturer. These sly vendors operate offshore companies and all other contacts they provide are totally out of nowhere.
I cannot guarantee that above information is absolutely accurate. But they are still useful when you decide to place an order with Chinese Suppliers. Have some Google research or use their local search Baidu to do some background work. Losing money is not so much important comparing to getting reputation ruined by the unreliable
One more thing, you may notice that they are not a single company but a group of companies. So you need to be really carefully and thoroughly concerned about the choosing the right suppliers.
Actually this is sound advice. I hope it helps people from being ripped off.