If you purchase the product, the product becomes yours and you can burn it if you feel that way inclined lol. You could certainly sell it on eBay, however you would need to be careful how you marketed it or you could devalue it.
For example, selling as "brand new", as opposed to selling "as new" can make a big difference in some buyer's minds.
Btw, in regards to the other question. High quality stuff always has a market, unique stuff always has a chance of finding a market, but that can take some work. Cheap, fake and general weekend market type stuff can struggle on a platform like eBay, simply through competition.
If you're seriously considering that genre, I would suggest perhaps looking and bundling items, something for the neck, ears and so on, all together. That would allow you to reduce your over all margin, and may well give you a competitive edge in the marketplace.
They are definitely products that would bundle very easily.