Hello ! i have just signed in and i have to say that i am rather dissapointed.The database is very poor and i didn t find anything special in it!
Not to say about the top secret china suppliers!It s probably a joke!All those suppliers are just at a google click distance!most of them are even on the front search page!
Well, putting that aside i put my confidence in the members and hope that with their help this won t turn out in a total waste of money!
So, let s get to the bottom of the problem! I m looking for suplliers in europe of the categories in the title: mobiles, computer parts ,mp4 players!
Or methods of cheating the custom taxes for delivery from US or china! I m open to every idea.I just hope that there will be ideas!
After i ll read some suggestions i ll of course tell you what i ve found so far about these kind of suppliers!