Hello, everyone:
I need a Dropshipper/Supplier of Gucci and Prada shoes. I, also, need a Dropshipper/Supplier, for purses. Does anyone know that information? Please respond, ASAP. Thank you.
Hello, everyone:
I need a Dropshipper/Supplier of Gucci and Prada shoes. I, also, need a Dropshipper/Supplier, for purses. Does anyone know that information? Please respond, ASAP. Thank you.
Hi and welcome MrSupplier78 :)
Sorry for the late reply, we were a bit alarmed at first when we saw that you initially posted as an anonymous user..
Anyway I would recommend checking out Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, they come highly recommended and are great to deal with! In fact they just got their 5th 5 star review/rating from another happy member :)
To learn more about them please visit their profile page - Link hidden: Login to view
Hope this helps.
The only thing with them is that they charge an annual fee of $45 plus a monthly fee of $40
Thanks for the additional info, privendo :)
That is pretty heavy on the pocket but considering the service and the quality of the products, it might well be worth it.
While I'm not big on dropshipping, I think it's worth pointing out that the monthly/annual fee for Queen Bee, when placed alongside their low prices, is completely justifiable. It's easier to charge a flat fee for the added service and convenience that dropshipping offers, than to have to maintain separate prices for everything (one for buyers and one for dropshippers.) Plus the fee includes explicit permission to use images and product data from the Queen Bee site, so there is an additional value there.
The signup fee is refunded with the first $250 or higher order, which -- considering the product lines carried -- is a very, very easy mark to hit, and I would presume is just in place to keep time wasters away.
Seriously, I know I rip on most dropshippers as a general rule of thumb, but in QB's case it's pretty easy to see why they're charging extra for it, and in the context of a high-ticket luxury market, $40 a month should not be all that hard to cover. It's not like they're selling the same refurbed Xboxes and shakelights and other crap you see on most dropshipping sites.
I thank you all for your helpful input.
I don't see why Salehoo veterans "fight" so hard defending QB's fees, while the entire forum speak all the time against such thing. If they think their products should be sold such easily, they could also easily cover such fees with their products price. Every customer is a potential time waster until otherwise is proven :)
Hi privendo,
I'm not "fighting" for Queen Bee. Actually, I am generally opposed to dropshipping as a business model and have many times on this forum tried to gently steer people away from it. And, generally, this sentiment goes doubly for a dropshipping company that charges extra for the service. In the case of Queen Bee, however, the registration fee is refundable on any decent sized order; given the high demand nature of their products, putting some kind of filter on the registration makes sense (seriously, look at the volume of handbag requests on this forum alone, then think of yourself as manning that desk at QB.)
They could simply add a per-order charge for dropshipping, or separate prices for drop shipping customers, but doesn't this just penalise long-term customers who are doing volume for the sake of getting new ones?
Just saying, as far as these things go, the membership prices at QB are not hard to justify, and not hard to make back if you're taking your business seriously.
You've got it wrong a bit.
QB charge us twice - an annual $45 - refundable on first order plus another monthly $40 Drop Shipping fee which is NOT refundable.
Not wrong at all -- that was my understanding -- refundable $45, non-refundable ongoing fee of $40 a month or $280 a year. My comments were based on those numbers.
I'm not trying to sell QB to you or anyone else; simply pointing out that given the enormous demand for the products they offer, it makes sense to filter out the lookee lous. There's probably less than 1 person actually buying anything for every 20 you see on forums looking for bags, and of those buyers probably 1 out of 20 do any volume. Putting a fee on the service that would be trivially easy to cover if you're doing any business at all cuts the time and expense of weeding through those 399 people to get to the 1 who ends up being a regular customer. It's not very pretty, and perhaps isn't seen as being "fair" by some people, but from the standpoint of QB and their regular, non-trivial customers, it makes sense.