O.K its me again. It seems many people have questions and concerns about this product that is guaranteed to make you rich. Someone said outright that it was not authentic as claimed. IF THIS IS THE CASE THE ENTIRE SALEHOO SITE IS A SCAM. CAN I REALLY TRUST YOU GUYS?

Sorry, I don't follow this at all.

The entire SaleHoo site is a scam?

5 posts, so you've been with us for a short while now. From memory you have had assistance from customer support, you've had access to the forum and all the information and advice contained within it. You have had access to the educational tools provided and the ability to search the directory for suppliers.

All that, and yet you still throw out this SCAM theory?

I have no idea about the jetpack personally, but my theory, you should look up the word SCAM, seriously. To accuse SaleHoo of being a scam at this point of your membership is simply bizarre to me!

there are flaws in all of these type of websites, it depends on what you want and what you are prepared to put in to get your results.

if you expect to sign up pay some cash then a month or so later be rich then you are very much mistaken.

for me this site is good for.................

massive directory of suppliers

the education from other peoples experiences.

the support, which is there when i need it.

i do not believe in any of these affiliate sites, they are just not for me and i stand by what i say in saying they do not work and are simply a cash generator from someone else.

Thanks for standing by SaleHoo, Paul. Its is very much appreciated :)

We always try our best to give the very best we can to our members.


My point is ..... does anyone of the salehoo staff have any idea about the jetpack. You have to admit so for to me it seems as though you do not have any concrete evidence about this or any similar product. So for this to be a part of salehoo I am thinking that you all should know about it. Is that fair?

thus the reason for my concerns. Why get defensive? I'm only looking out for myself. This pack will cost me over $3000. I n-----e-----e------d to know more.

i cant speak on behalf of salehoo, but as i say i believe that all these type of ways are making money are garbage.

unless someone can prove otherwise, and i do not mean by some dodgy clickbank and screen shots of paypal accounts.

I have many of these templates my self when i used to sell ebooks etc.

What's that saying, one persons garbage is another's treasure!

I think this is the perfect point in hand, while everyone is free to their own opinion, and Paul's is quite clearly that he doesn't consider it worth a second thought, there are plenty around that do give these types pf programs a second thought, and some do quite nicely from it.

It's been said already, it's not for everyone and you do need some ability in several areas of business, as well as a strong focus and persistence, but those with that ability and the level of commitment required do sometimes do very well.

You can't just sign on to these things and expect to get rich, you have to work at it as you do with any business model, and as with any business not everyone will succeed for a host of various reasons . However, I don't believe anyone should dismiss it out of hand as not being a genuine opportunity just because it's not for them, personal opinions respected of course : )

My point is ..... does anyone of the salehoo staff have any idea about the jetpack. You have to admit so for to me it seems as though you do not have any concrete evidence about this or any similar product. So for this to be a part of salehoo I am thinking that you all should know about it. Is that fair?

thus the reason for my concerns. Why get defensive? I'm only looking out for myself. This pack will cost me over $3000. I n-----e-----e------d to know more.

Your point is once more lost on me, why should anyone of the SaleHoo staff need to have concrete evidence about this program working, let alone have any knowledge about it other than what is written. This is not a part of SaleHoo, it is an offer being made through SaleHoo to its members, nothing more and nothing less.

Are SaleHoo staff supposed to know everything about every offer made to members from suppliers?

Sorry, but that's simply unrealistic!

We have a strong verification process to ensure all of the (official) offers made to members are from legitimate providers only. All we can do is promote any offer that we feel may well be advantageous to some members and then the members can do their own research to make their own decision.

You're making this sound like it's something that SaleHoo is almost forcing upon you to subscribe to, and that's not even in the ball park. If you are in such doubt about it then I strongly suggest that you go no where near the offer.

I would never personally touch anything I wasn't 100% sure of, well maybe 92.7%, but it's a lot of cash and the old saying is that if you can't afford to loose it, then don't spend it!

I absolutely agree that you, and anyone considering an offer like this needs to know as much as they possibly can before investing in it, but to accuse SaleHoo of being a scam because the offer has been made to our members is simply off the planet and has no credibility whatsoever.

In regards to being defensive, well I must admit that I'm not aware of what in particular you are referring to, however it wouldn't surprise me if anyone did feel the need to defend themselves when being accused of being apart of a scam.

The staff here work extremely hard to provide our members with the highest level of quality support, and a whole range of other mentoring services. When someone comes along and labels them/me as scammers purely by association, then it get's a little hard to cop sweet!

I've personally been in business for most of my adult life, in one way, shape or another, and I have never been involved in personally scamming anyone, nor have I ever been associated with anyone else scamming anyone.

Perhaps that might well shine a little light on the subject as to why myself, and I'm sure all of the SaleHoo staff don't take too kindly to being accused of running a scam when all we are doing to is our best to help as many members succeed as possible.

Having said that, I still don't see how I was being defensive. I was only highlighting facts that I felt you should have been aware of that indicated that SaleHoo was in no way a scam.

I thought the person who introduced the product was actually the founder of salehoo hence my apprehension. I hear what you say but i was under a different impression. I do apologise for the scam theory. I appreciate the time taken for your response and advice.

My point is ..... does anyone of the salehoo staff have any idea about the jetpack. You have to admit so for to me it seems as though you do not have any concrete evidence about this or any similar product. So for this to be a part of salehoo I am thinking that you all should know about it. Is that fair?

thus the reason for my concerns. Why get defensive? I'm only looking out for myself. This pack will cost me over $3000. I n-----e-----e------d to know more.

Hi Mystie,

We understand your hesitation :) Kindly revisit the other thread you started regarding the Affilojet Pack - you'll notice that Alice and I (SaleHoo Staff) had said a few things about the said product. Please note that Affilojet is not part of SaleHoo although Mark Ling the creator of Affilojet is co-founder of SaleHoo. We are two separate companies each with a different focus.

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I thought the person who introduced the product was actually the founder of salehoo hence my apprehension. I hear what you say but i was under a different impression. I do apologise for the scam theory. I appreciate the time taken for your response and advice.

H Mystie, I can see where the confusion has come from now, but Richelle has just cleared that up nicely, so we're all on the same page now :)

Hi again Mystie,

You might find this forum thread on the Affilojet Pack interesting. I found it on Affilorama.com - Mark Ling's affiliate site (which a sister site of SaleHoo but functions separately)

Here's the link for your perusal:

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Hope this helps. Cheers!