At this point, there is nothing you could do except learn from your experience. An apology and an offer of refund to your customers can help minimize the damage.
All branded items are a bit more expensive for a reason, that's because the company whose name they carry pays for quality and use of premium materials. They also produce stuff in smaller quantities, not only to ensure quality but also to keep prices high.
We always give a warning in terms of using suppliers from China in sourcing branded items. This are not due to discrimination but because majority of the time, this branded items turn out to be fakes. There are lots of very good quality knockoffs out there. But no matter how good the materials they used are or how good the craftmanship is, nothing changes the fact that they are fakes.
I know this experience is a bit discouraging, but just because you failed the first time does not mean you have to stop your dream of being a successful entrepreneur. Think of this as minor bump on the a road to success. Persevere, learn from this experience and continue nurturing your dream. Nobody said the path to success is easy.
Best of Luck!