Hi fashionNstyle, and welcome to SaleHoo.
It is legal to sell what are termed designer inspired products, however it is illegal to sell designer REPLICA products, and that seems to be the case in this situation as per the link provided.
A replica product is a product produced to replicate the original, and is therefore illegal to sell because it has been made outside of the brand owner's licensing requirements.
A designer inspired product is legal to sell because it is only based on the designer's product, it does not attempt to replicate it in authentically. For example, a designer inspired Chanel handbag would not carry the Chanel brand name, would not intrude on any specific design copyright issues that were applicable that is licensed to Chanel, and so on.
It can actually be a bit of a mine field if you are unaware of what constitutes a designer inspired product, and that of a replica product. Quite a lot of people believe that so long as a product does not have the brand name on it, then it can be sold as a designer inspired, but there can still be design patents and other legalities all hidden away.
Giving advice on how to purchase these type of products safely is a little out of my own depth unfortunately. I would suggest contacting support@salehoo.com, and see if the support staff can actually get you some qualified supplier leads to make sourcing a lot easier for you.