Don't bother using iPod in the title though as its just an MP3 player, not actual iPods. They are packaged with the same attributes as apple iPods though, so there would be few complaints.
You could sell these continually in the apple iPod 'Other MP3 Players' category without complaint.
Additionally you could sell them on your own store front page and accept Bidpay which is easier and free for a payment option.
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You have to strategize what you are going to sell. For me at times, profit could be anywhere from $5 to $15 to $150 depending on how good the niche or product is at the time.
But, I do not concern myself so much over the details for business.
I look at what OTHER companies do 'WRONG' (which I believe to be mountainous) and strive to do the exact opposite.
Most companies for instance, have barely average customer service and below par customer skills alltogether and leave countless people scorned with only a care for their bottom line.
This goes for many Chinese companies too or Chinese brokers/distributors!!
Then of course there's the countless UK Companies which constantly rip people off.
So, rather than worry about having 4389 next to our name in 'feedback' we set ourselves apart from the pack by highly attentive service.
We treat EVERY consumer just like we would treat ourselves regardless of what % is 'made'.
Some sales may not make ANY profit, but in fact we speed those out the door anyway. Just in order to get a good response from the customer, and increase our feedback score.
We do literally anything to just simply tailor the needs & results to the customer and give them wonderful service regardless of how it turns out.
As other companies do not do, we also offer refunds - PERIOD - if there is any kind of issue within 7-8 days of transaction end time.
In the end that's long term staying power as true service is very difficult to come by in this world and especially detailed service.
And then as far as closeout costs go, we keep the overhead to be as low as physically possible by not adding any of the many extra features to our listings that are not needed.
Bold, Underline, Highlighter, all of which are not needed for Bidville or eBay.
With excellent descriptions or content, we then send hundreds of people to our store pages on automatic through traffic generating exchanges and other key areas. This becomes the main (and underlying reason) why nearly every single one of our products always sells on the first try.
Then, we add Bidpay as a payment option to everything. This shall start being the norm for ALL 'popular' products featured on our storefront too. Bidpay takes ANY credit card, is a MUCH better source than Paypal & can work in addition to/instead OF the hassle of them.
And believe it or choose not to, the truth is the more payment options you offer someone to purchase the more sales you make.
One of those hidden techniques they teach but never seem to want to give away is, variety + content= SALES divided by POPULARITY
Where popularity will never mean what your level of reputation is or how many things you have sold, but rather how much TRAFFIC you send.
Automated traffic is the most vital & possibly most untold key to generating as much income as you want from any business.(Bar None)
Unfortunately many beaurocracies make it a un-needed burden, by requiring you to sign up for all sorts of 'TAX ID' forms and other.
I recommend NOT doing that, UNLESS you buy in large pallets, and will be doing so for some time because it will become a LARGE COST to get lisences where you are seen as a startup.