You know people really have to stop thinking in terms of buying from DH Gate!
You are buying from an independent business listed in DH Gates directory, nothing more and nothing less. You will find these same businesses listed on most of the other Asian resourcing sites such as Alibaba, Trade Key and so on.
They are in no way related to DH Gate, apart from paying DH Gate to advertise their products and services there on there site.
Yes, each site may well have it's own trading policy, but you are not buying from them, you are buying products from independently owned and operated businesses!
It's incorrect referencing like this that causes so many people so much confusion about these resourcing sites. One will say don't buy from DH Gate because they sold me fakes, and the next will say they were great, when in fact they are talking about two completely different business listed on DH Gate, not DH Gate itself.
It's no wonder inexperienced sellers have absolutely no idea which way turn.
I don't even know why this type of referencing even happens, I mean if someone finds a supplier on Google that in turn rips them off, do they post anything about Google ripping them off?
Of course not, that would be absurd, just as is this referencing to these resource sites. If you get taken by a business on one of these sites then make everyone aware of the business. If you want to make them aware of where you found the business then all good and well, but all of these types of sites are going to have both good and bad traders, and it's the traders that need the light shone on them the most, not the resourcing site itself.