fudjj I'll take a bit of a chuckle at any time of the day personally. At the start, in the middle...heck...I'll even accept getting woken in the middle of the night...but it better be one seriously BIG chuckle....cause I am fond of my beauty sleep : )
fudjj What, you think I should give up mate, would take a lot more than beauty sleep to get this face onto a magazine cover.....lol
fudjj It depends on how much I'm being paid : ) Call 1900fudjj.....Yikes, starting to creep myself out now, and that takes some doing! : )
wychewes As the two friends wandered through the snow on their way home,Piglet grinned to himself,thinking how lucky he was to have a friend like Pooh. Pooh thought to himself: 'If the pig sneezes,he's *****freaken***** dead.'
wychewes Did you hear Kermit the Frog is sick? Yeah, He got Swine Flu from Ms. Piggie, when he was asked about it he replied, 'Bitch told me she was clean'.
wychewes What happened to my comedic licence? Robin Williams would not have to put up with this...lol
fudjj What happened to your comedic licence? Those licences aren't free, happy to send you a price list if you like, and we don't don't accept western union neither : )
artpants did you hear the one about the guy who couldn't find a reliable wholesale source? LOL, that's an oldy, I think everyone has heard that one : )