I remember reading this and then forgetting where I read it. Now I found it again. This was written by a member of another forum I belong to. Credit goes to Orion.
This is written by a person who has extensive experience buying from Asia which I hope helps people here when wondering if they are getting the best deal or are going to be ripped-off.
If I were buying in a large purchase platform, this would be my bible.
There is a popular misconception that a majority of Chinese sellers are scammers. I am going to try and expel this myth with my experience and my little knowledge. I do not claim to be an expert on international trade but I can share my experiences and hope some of this information will of help to someone out there!
This makes me sound old! I am probably not much older or younger than most users here. Now in these good old days there was no internet as such, that came a few years later. You would do all your business by phone, a fax machine and a (borrowed in my case) Global Sources publication which back then really was a bible. Some people really do not know how lucky they are now, you have everything at the end of your broadband connection!
With a little bit of courage I started importing at a young age from my bedroom in my parent house. My very first product was a mobile phone battery. Not an ordinary one though. It was a NiCad battery (all batteries were NiCad 12 years ago). NiCad batteries suffered from