Hi Guys
Better price - I agree, but real designer name brands. I am not sure. Hence the reason I am asking if anyone knows of any dropshippers here in Asia.
To give you an example I am based in Thailand and there is a very strict 100% import tax on clothin coming in. If I was briging in Fake I am taking a risk with my business.
So That's why I need real brand name dropshippers based in Asia. the delivery will be quicker and cost-effective for me.
Both of you guys are Master memebers, so I assuming you can answer when I ask - would it make more sense to start my designer cothing online business as an affiliate first and then as I get experienced I go at it alone. what you think??
My god!! You are in the part of the world which has an incredible amount of product for sale.
You are very close to China. Oh if only I lived over there.
By affiliate, do you mean as one who creates a website and then has links to other sites or one who buys through a middle man?
If you are hell bent on selling designer labels then you are going to have to go through the regular channels as everyone else. And honestly in that part of the world getting a license or agreement to sell from there is going to be tough.
Walk down a retail section where you live and make a note of what businesses are selling what you want to.
You will find out a lot from just doing that. Are they big retail stores or mom and pop. If they are mom and pop and you can determine they are legit items then your job should be easier.
singapore101 may have a better answer for you though as I think he is from that area of the world.