First off I think your really idiotic for all the posts you have made. I have also received several complaints in my PM box from members of this forum asking me to ban you. And you are harrasing them in private messages and on the forums. Why is that?
So far I have read all of your posts. You have so far had absolutely nothing to contribute to this community aside from Chinese scam sites, sites that sell fakes and your own worthless links list covered in Google ads. And insulting other members on this site. You have not contributed anything valuable to this community. Lately you have been hijacking the posts of people looking for information on your own campaign to go after me, salehoo and another well known member of this forum.
According to some info I recently received is that you have been banned from several sites. And your getting on my very last nerve and you are about to get banned from salehoo.
So yes I am deleting your posts. So whatever your qualm is with any member of this site or your personal opinion about me. It means nothing. I have done thousands of transactions and not all of them have been perfect but I do a pretty good job of running my company, and salehoo does a pretty good job running theirs.
If you want to complain goto name them shame them like every other member that actually knows how to read and has a brain in their head.
This site is here for members that are looking for wholesale and below wholesale suppliers. And we have rules just like every other forum. And a place in the forums for specific posts.