danas-this-n-that Hello all, I am trying to find alternative eBay sites that have been successful in selling fine jewelry, e.g., rolex watches, diamond pendants, loose diamonds, etc. Any recommendations? Many thanks!
fudjj That kind of merchandise sounds like it would be better marketed through your own web option, not a bargain based wholesale site.
danas-this-n-that Eventually I will have a website, but trying to get a jumpstart, as prices should be very appealing. eBay has so many listings and was wondering if there were other alternative sites that do well in the jewelry sector.
singapore101 Try asiandropshippers.com they have some jewelry listings they dont sell it though.They make websites for a great price.You can try them possibly
danas-this-n-that Thanks. In the meantime, any other suggestions of where I can list jewelry? Some pieces will also be antique or vintage.
delacruz-computing Try Link hidden: Login to view I have an aunt that sells here and she does very well! Good Luck!