Another crime is watching people buy a certain brand of boots on ebay for 50.00 dollars more than cost.Today i found a guy who sells boots on ebay for over 50.00 retail.If people did a 1 minute search they would see they can get the same boots from the main company 30.00 dollars cheaper and, with free shipping.Not the 35.00 dollars shipping charges this guy tacks on.He is also selling sunglasses 30.00 above cost,in less than a minute i found the supplier of the sunglasses.Yes 30.00 cheaper from the real distributor.Yes people are buying his stuff! I guess they feel if its on ebay it must be the cheapest.This guy is making a killing,good for him.
I've seen this happen over and over again, it's why the real estate industry prefer auction as their chosen format of sale.
It doesn't always work, but when you get at least two people wanting the same item they can sometimes stop biding with their head, and start biding on pure emotion. When that happens all logic goes out the window and value just isn't that important at that stage.
It's like white line fever....they get a big case of the ' I have to have its' and they will drive the price past the point of common sense.
I go to a lot of auctions, and I see it there everyday with relative new comers. When they decide they want something they just go crazy. I'm sitting there watching things go past the any value for resale, and when you think they are bidding for themselves they still drive the product past any sensible value.
Would be nice for sellers if that happened all the time on ebay, unfortunately it doesn't. Ebay is still very much a buyers market, as plenty of sellers here have come to realize to their peril!