lzysfjt I am a ebay seller,I sell musical instrument on ebay, someone donot ask me before he/she use my photos of listing,I am very angry,I want to report this guy to ebay,but I am afraid he /she will revenge.what should I do ?
sestrella report them. i hate that. you spend a lot of time doing photos. you can also upload them through ebay picture manager and watermark them with your store name.
spider Hi, I too had sellers pinching my photo's, therefore reported them to eaby. You just have to provide an item number from your listing to the item number of there listing, then ebay will follow it up, then remove there listing. Makes me feel a lot better by doing this!
jimmy_huber You think you got it bad. I had someone steal my face and put it on ebay to sell their affiliate advertising for skyhighauctions. Its bad enough my face is on ebay long enough how many people are mentally disturbed now after seeing it.