Hey gang. Just looking for some help to market the jewelry I am planning to buy on bidz. I have learned a lot about jewelry so I know what to look for in gold and diamond jewelry as well as jewelry with stones.
There is the obvious ie a website and I am working on that but I guess what I am looking for is someone who already knows jewelry
or where to market jewelry. And then once I become a registered seller perhaps I could resell the jewelry to this person or persons for a small profit. Just trying to turn a profit to get the ball rolling and then onward and upward from there. I know that people could just go to bidz and get the jewelry themselves but I could save you a lot of time with that if you knew what you were looking for. And once I am able to become a registered seller here sell it to you for a marginal profit while finding very good deals on bidz on the higher quality jewelry which is of course relative.