When you say you can supply best QUALITY handbags, I assume yours are fake also? Right? The quality of any designer bag, is always the quality, there's no more or less quality of those bags...
You know, I think it's ok to buy fake bags as long as you don't try to sell them for real, but most of the time, when you put them on the internet, you have to say designer inspired, or guess what? Chanel, Gucci, and any of the others will investigate .... and especially Ebay. They do not allow fake bags. I know a lady who's being prosecuted right now who had a website selling designer bags, saying they were real, and well, she's in deep trouble. Her website is not up anymore. It was the Chanel bags. They don't tolerate it, I know for sure.
You know a Gucci bag does not sell for $50 - no way unless it's fake - Gucci bags run from over $300 to $1000 ... and there are very limited places to find them.
If ya'll are buying bags to sell on Ebay, be very careful. You really have to go into the boutiques and get these bags yourself, because like you said above, nearly 95% of all bags on Ebay and the net are fake!