mlp888 Hi there, I was just wondering how much these usually cost (at wholesale prices): Link hidden: Login to view As the seller asked me to give him an offer but I don't know how much they usually are. Thanks
drena depends on where you plan on selling them i have seen similar items on trademe selling for at the most $30-$40+ at end of auction depends on how many there are on there (its riddled with them) could probably sell at markets for the same price drena
mlp888 No what I meant was the actual cost price. How much are they worth? (I'm not talking about the market prices). Has anyone bought from him before? (Link hidden: Login to view) Thanks
drena sorry about that lol know that i have reread it i understand daaa me lol have alook around at site like dhgate and lightinbox etc and see how much they would sell them to you for then u might have an idea
planes They sell cheap and less than what they are being offered for from your link. You need to get the 2 gigs for about 20$ for it to be worthwhile.