There is no such thing as 'wholesale' designer handbags..Not unless you are looking for replicas, and then there are a ton of suppliers for those...
You can buy authentic designer handbags at 'discounted' prices, but these will be last seasons styles and models...
Keep in mind that although a lot of sellers sell fake designer bags on the net, that it is illegal and most of the top designers will prosecute if and when they catch up with you..
That being said, if you tell me exactly which brands you are looking for I can probably send you some places where you can buy authentic designer bags at discounted prices, but also keep in mind that even at discounted prices they are not cheap....
If you need help, just PM me and I will need an email address to send the info to...
Don't be fooled by all the designer bags you see selling on ebay as 99 percent or better are just good fakes, including paperwork...