Hi. They are listed on just about every scam alert site on the net..
If you paid by credit card, file for a charge back..If you paid using paypal, file an unpaid dispute..
Before you do any kind of transaction always check on google fraud to see if there is anything bad listed about them..Also do a 'whois' search to see how long they have been in business and if the site is indeed valid..
Last check on all of the scam sites to see if they are listed..I like Link hidden: Login to view they have just about all of the chinese site listed...
Too always ask on here before you buy...China is frought with scam sites..Use extreme caution when dealing with any chinese site and only use the ones that accept paypal and even then make sure that you pay with credit card...
There are authorities that you can file a complaint with but as far as getting your money back from a forgeign entity, they have no authority over them...
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