theyeshaveit Hi guys, anyone used the above web site? Are they ligit? I've registered with them and every time I log on all my info has gone and anything I've saved to my shopping cart disappears. I see there is one review but not really helpful. Anyone used these guys? Looks like a fab web site with good pricing. Thanks in advance Leonie :)
daveball Looks like there is a 200 dollar minumin order, so unless your buying in bulk. They dont seem to dropship either, just a thought
theyeshaveit Thanks Dave for replying. Yep I saw that, I just wondered if the company was ligit. Just out of interest where is IE? As in your location? Cheers Leonie
gulfy13 Well several good things,,they do accept paypal, offer returns and refunds,,they have good email and phone contacts and offer live help... If you do business with them, just cover yourself by using paypal as your payment option..