Did you read their 'terms and conditions' page?
If you are looking to buy fakes, then they might be alright. But if you are looking for authentic, you might want to look elsewhere.
Their disclaimer as to authenticity says: authentic as 'advised by our suppliers', and 'no authentication paperwork provided to buyer'. Also 'not liaiable in event where goods received are not as represented'.' not aurthorized as a licensed distributor of brands featured on this website'..
Now I'm not saying don't buy from them. I'm just saying that more than likely the goods are not authentic 'if' that is what you are looking for.
If you were to attempt to sell them on ebay you might get shut down. On the other hand if you are selling on a different venue, they you might be ok.
Just keep this in mind. Most major 'designer' clothing firms, do not wholesale. The strictly distribute their items through major retailers and boutiques and their own outlets and factory stores..
You will see excellent copies of these brands including the garmet tags and labels that you see on the items in the major retail stores...
A good rule of thumb is that if you see 'designer and wholesale' in the same sentence, then it's probably going to be fake...