Watch out for amazon. They'll freeze your account for investigation when you start making several sales. I have over $1,000 in my amazon account I haven't been able to access for over 30 days because of this 'inspection'! I've even provided them proof of shipment on every order I have sold. I wish I could charge them interest for holding my money for so long!
Hmmm, they sound as bad as paypal which is another site that freezes your account at the drop of a hat. They froze mine for six weeks because I had two ebay buyers who made fraudulent payments into my account, one from a hacked paypal account and the other using their own account but paying with a stolen credit card... Hey, it wasn't my fault. What was worse is that both payments were reversed leaving my account with a negative balance and they wouldn't remove the hold until I had transferred money in from my account to get rid of that negative balance... they wouldn't even allow me to receive a refund for one of the products which hadn't been delivered and was returned to the supplier after I called the courier. That refund would have been enough to put my account back in the black... needless to say, I am very careful with paypal now. :