Hi, I can call myself a genuine reseller. I've been in this authentic handbag business for about 2 yrs and I get my products from the liquidators, which means that all mine are past seasoned. I have my online store at ***Deleted by Admin*** and can give deep discounts to the resellers who order 2 or more at a time.
You can find many blogs out there about the discounted designer handbags, mostly bad, but tell you the truth, there is little percentage of honest resellers like myself who only carry the authentic.
If you are newbie in this business, you gotta do your homework. You can't just depend on someone else's words. Go to department stores and check out all small details of the genuine handbags in and out before you order your first handbag from the resellers. Then compare your handbag with the department's to see if there's any flaw.
It takes some time to distinguish between authentics and fakes. But once you gain this knowledge, you will not have any problem finding the authentic.