You can find many companies who do such that.Just do a internet search.They source the product for you check out the factory,make sure the company is real and in good standing.
Yes, unless you have a great referral you can higher companies to do this for you.
Outside of going to Asia this is a great way.
Just don't hire someone in Asia do it for you, as you could be set-up.
Its better to hire a company in the country you reside.
If your in the US look for brokers on the coasts where a lot of Asians reside.
Asians are an interesting culture.
I just saw 3 Asians in a cigar shop I frequent spend 2000$ in one hour on lottery scratch tickets.
They run an Asian restaurant next store. They spent 1000$ while I was there and came back over in 10 mins to grab the other 1000$ from the shop owner.
These were 20$ scratch tickets in lots of a 100.
The guy that runs the shop just handed the guys the other 50 tickets without payment. I guess they scratch them and then pay those winnings back to the guy plus any other money out of their pockets. Or they win enough total.
Very strange but interesting and fun to watch.
I will have to see if they won anything when I go back.