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The Nikes are not factory over-runs, they are fakes.
Those shoes are high quality replicas.
If you want to in any way sell duffels of those shoes, you must indicate that they are designer inspired regardless of where you sell them.
I think I've said my piece, they are high quality replicas as they don't even come with the certificates. I know brand name merchandise and what I have bought before, factory approved over-runs, has official certificates and even designer inspired have it.
Nike shoes that claim to be Nike but aren't CAN NOT be sold on most sites.
Your account will be attacked by VERO no matter where you sell them. The only place to get rid of those are in the classifieds, and on large-scale liquidation sites which always buy those loads.
I can think of a few and they are around out there. Just send people to your product until its sold and advertise it for a bit, problem solved - but do NOT sell these shoes online everywhere as though it was direct from Nike.
Fair warning, the company in question has non-approved merchandise many places.